Medicaid Planning
Time is of the essence when it comes to Medicaid Planning.
As life expectancy rises, so does the cost of long-term care; and with the average nursing home cost exceeding $9,000 per month, many families are forced to privately pay for these services out of their personal savings. But they don't have to!
Our lawyers handle both pre-crisis proactive planning and crisis planning.
As Medicaid Planning Lawyers, we help our elderly clients qualify for government benefits that pay the cost of nursing home and assisted living care, while at the same time protecting and preserving our clients' and their families assets and income.
Whether you are already in a nursing home, planning to go into a nursing home or assisted living facility, or just want to be prepared; let us help you protect your personal assets from having to pay costly nursing home fees or other long-term care expenses. Do not let all of your hard-earned life’s work to go to the coffers of a nursing home. Leave your assets as a legacy to your loved ones.
Let us help you obtain Medicaid benefits so that you can ensure you receive the care you need, while saving your assets and income for yourself and your loved ones.
Pre-Crisis Planning takes a proactive approach to creating a proper long-term care strategy.
The earlier you plan, the more likely the possibility that you will be able to protect a significant portion of your assets, if not all of it. That is why it is critical to plan now.
It is never too early to plan your Medicaid qualification. Our Medicaid Planning Lawyers can evaluate your situation and help you proactively plan to avoid very costly mistakes.
Candidates for pre-crisis protection planning may include those who are:
Healthy and living at home with no assistance and want to plan ahead so they can age in the comfort of their own home
Recently diagnosed with a chronic illness, but are still able to manage self-care activities and have time to plan their affairs
Concerned about the cost of future long-term care and want to avoid burdening their children or relatives.
Proactive "Pre-Crisis" Medicaid Planning
Crisis planning is necessary when you need immediate care to protect your health and safety at or outside the home.
Basically, it's when you need nursing home or assisted living services. In "crisis mode," the client may already be in a nursing home and may already be paying care costs out of pocket. In these situations, delays in seeking counsel could result in losses of thousands of dollars. So don't delay!
Candidates for crisis planning may include those who:
Need of long-term care outside the home like in an assisted living facility or nursing home
Rely on family or professional caregivers
Must take immediate action to pay for care without bankrupting themselves or their family